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Scanning Probe and Electron (both TEM and SEM) Microscopy of polymers and biopolymers.
tel.: +7 9ОЗ b8Ч 7b lЗ
E-mail: bolshakova @
I graduated from Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in 1999 (Title of diploma work is “Cells surfaces”).
Research Associate of Chair of polymer (Faculty of Chemistry, MSU) since 2002
PhD in Physics 2002
(“Atomic force microscopy of fixied cells”)
RFBR № 10-03-00114-а Development of the new method for two-demrnsional protein crystallization on surfaces of biopolymer and polymer thin films
RFBR № 10-03-90028-Бел_а Creation of new optically multilayer polymer systems on the base of isotropic and anisotropic materials and investigation of their interaction with anisotropic fluids
RFBR № 10-04-02002-э_д Publishing of a book “Handbook of microscopy for nanotechnology”, translated in Russian language
RFBR № 08-03-00269-а Controlled synthesis of various copolymer structures by means of pseudo-living free-radical polymerization
RFBR № 07-03-00515-а Development of Principles for Nanogel Design (Drug carriers) with the controlled temperature of sol -gel transition
RFBR № 06-03-32452-a New approach to evaluation of mechanical properties of polymers and other solids of nanometric dimension
NATO № CBN.NR.NRSFP 983204 “Sensors with Remote Operation for Chemical and Biological Protection ”
D.A. Panchuk, S.L. Bazhenov, A.V. Bol’shakova, L.M. Yarysheva, A.L. Volynskii, N.F. Bakeev
Correlation between Structure and Stress–Strain Characteristics of Metallic Coatings Deposited onto a Polymer by the Method of Ionic Plasma Sputtering / Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2011, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 211–216.
D.A. Panchuk, Zh.K. Sadakbaeva, D.V. Bagrov, A.V. Bol’shakova, L.M. Yarysheva, I.B. Meshkov, A.M. Muzafarov, A.L. Volynskii, N.F. Bakeev,
Estimating the Strain–Strength Characteristics of Nanothick Nonmetallic Coatings Deposited onto Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Films / Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2011, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 303–310.
Structure and Properties of Nanocomposite Interface: Polymer; Noble Metals (A. L. Volynskii, D.A. Panchuk, A.V. Bolshakova, L.M. Yarysheva, N.F. Bakeev, Chemistry Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) in book Gold Nanoparticles: Properties, Characterization and Fabrication editor P.E. Chow Series: Nanotechnology Science and Technology NOVA Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2010
D.A. Panchuk, Zh.K. Sadakbaeva, D.V. Bagrov, A.S. Kechek’yan, A.V. Bol’shakova, S.S. Abramchuk, L.M. Yarysheva, A.L. Volynskii, N.F. Bakeev,
Specific Features of Surface Structuring during Deformation of PlasmaTreated Polymer Films / Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2010, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 794–800
D.A. Panchuk, E.A. Puklina, A.V. Bol’shakova, S.S. Abramchuk, T.E. Grokhovskaya, M.Yu. Yablokov, A.B. Gil’man, L.M. Yarysheva, A.L. Volynskii, N.F. Bakeev
Structural Aspects of the Deposition of Metal Coatings on Polymer Films / Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2010, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 801–805.
D.A. Panchuk, Zh.K. Sadakbaeva, E.A. Puklina, A.V. Bol’shakova, S.S. Abramchuk, L.M. Yarysheva, A.L. Volynskii, N.F. Bakeev
The Structure of Interfacial Layer between the Metallic Coating and the Polymer Substrate / Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2009, Vol. 4, Nos. 5–6, pp. 340–348.
A. L. Volynskii, D. A. Panchuk, Zh. K. Sadakbaeva,
A. V. Bol’shakova, A. S. Kechek’yan, L. M. Yarysheva, and N. F. Bakeev
Formation of a Regular Microrelief in Deformation of Plasma-Treated Polymer Films Doklady Physical Chemistry, 2009, Vol. 427, Part 2, pp. 133–135.
A. L. Volynskii, A. I. Kulebyakina, D. A. Panchuk, S. V. Moiseeva,
A. V. Bol’shakova, T. E. Grokhovskaya, L. M. Yarysheva, A. S. Kechek’yan, S. L. Bazhenov, and N. F. Bakeev
Visualization of Structural Rearrangements Responsible for Temperature-Induced Shrinkage of Amorphous Structural Approach to the Study of Deformation Mechanism of Amorphous Polymers Polymer Science Vol. 49, No. 12, Series A, 2007 p. 1265-1283