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en:анна_протопопова [2011/11/22 13:27]
Анна Протопопова создано
en:анна_протопопова [2012/02/01 20:07] (current)
Анна Протопопова
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 === Publications === === Publications ===
-  - Zavyalova E.G., Protopopova A.D., Yaminsky I.V., Kopylov A.M., Kinetic characterization of inhibition of human thrombin with DNA aptamers by turbidimetric assay, Analytical BiochemestryIn press+  - Zavyalova E.G., Protopopova A.D., Yaminsky I.V., Kopylov A.M., Kinetic characterization of inhibition of human thrombin with DNA aptamers by turbidimetric assay, Analytical Biochemistry412, p. 234-239, 2012
   - Zavyalova E.G., Protopopova A.D., Kopylov A.M., Yaminsky I.V., Investigation of early stages of fibrin association, Langmuir, 27, p. 4922 – 4927, 2011.   - Zavyalova E.G., Protopopova A.D., Kopylov A.M., Yaminsky I.V., Investigation of early stages of fibrin association, Langmuir, 27, p. 4922 – 4927, 2011.
   - Nikitin N.A., Sushko A.D., Arkhipenko M.V.,  Rodionova N.P., Karpova O.V.,  Yaminskii I.V., Comparative Study of Structure and Properties of Nucleoproteides Synthesized Using Plant Virus Coat Protein, Colloid Journal, 73, No 4, p. 512-519, 2011.   - Nikitin N.A., Sushko A.D., Arkhipenko M.V.,  Rodionova N.P., Karpova O.V.,  Yaminskii I.V., Comparative Study of Structure and Properties of Nucleoproteides Synthesized Using Plant Virus Coat Protein, Colloid Journal, 73, No 4, p. 512-519, 2011.
en/анна_протопопова.1321954062.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/22 13:27 by Анна Протопопова
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