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en:победитель_5_недели_2012_г [2012/02/08 08:34]
Анастасия Большакова
en:победитель_5_недели_2012_г [2012/02/18 11:36] (current)
Анастасия Большакова
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===== Anna Protopopova & Irina Arzymanyan ===== ===== Anna Protopopova & Irina Arzymanyan =====
-the winners of the 5th week of 2012+the winners at the 5th week of 2012
 {{:eclipce.jpg?200|}} {{:eclipce.jpg?200|}}
Line 9: Line 9:
  corona.**   corona.** 
-The image is presented in the colours of new FemtoScan Online+//The image is presented in the colours of new FemtoScan Online
  palette called "Evening".  palette called "Evening".
-Scan size is 3,5*3,5 μm<sup>2</sup>+Scan size is 3.5*3.5 μm<sup>2</sup>
en/победитель_5_недели_2012_г.1328675647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/02/08 08:34 by Анастасия Большакова
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