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en:события [2012/01/01 23:38]
Игорь Яминский
en:события [2012/01/01 23:42] (current)
Игорь Яминский
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 The education on electro-erosion mechanical treatment using unique Sodick machine VZ300L. Joint Educational Programme of [[http://www.msu.ru|Lomonosov Moscow State University]], [[http://www.rusnano.com|RUSNANO]] and [[http://www.nanoscopy.ru|Advanced Technologies Center]]. The education on electro-erosion mechanical treatment using unique Sodick machine VZ300L. Joint Educational Programme of [[http://www.msu.ru|Lomonosov Moscow State University]], [[http://www.rusnano.com|RUSNANO]] and [[http://www.nanoscopy.ru|Advanced Technologies Center]].
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en/события.txt · Last modified: 2012/01/01 23:42 by Игорь Яминский
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