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en:участник_конкурса [2011/12/27 14:23]
Анастасия Большакова
en:участник_конкурса [2012/12/08 14:02] (current)
Анастасия Большакова
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Ivan Kamenkov =====+===== Alexander Beletsky =====
-contest participant  at the 52th week of 2011+contest participant 2012 
-{{:копия_1_файла_sample.plane.jpeg?200|}} +**“Abstract art”**
- +
-**Complex of DNA with copolymer based on acrylamide. **  +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-//Resonance mode,  cantilever fpN20S.// +
- +
- +
- +
- +
-Image size is 4* μm<sup>2</sup>+
 +//This image is a result of digital zooming of cleaved HOPG with FemtoScan Online. It was obtained using FemtoScan SPM and SCG10 cantilever in contact mode.//
 + Color palette “Caribbean” and backlight mode were used.
 +Scan size: 150х150 nm<sup>2</sup>
en/участник_конкурса.1324981432.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/27 14:23 by Анастасия Большакова
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