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contest participants 2012
The image shows the results of the AFM experiment on the possibility of assembling artificial systems based on potato virus X coat protein and DNA molecules - dezoxyribonucleoproteins (DNP).
The average height of the structures is 4 nm. For comparison, the height of the complex made from the same protein and RNA molecule is 10 nm according to the AFM results. The difference in morphology between DNP and RNP can be clearly seen from the pictures, where both types of particles are present simultaneously. The samples were kindly provided by O.V. Karpova and I.G. Atabekov groupe, Department of Virology MSU.
scan size is 2.1 * 2.1 μm2 additional scans: 4.2 * 4.2 μm2 & 2.6* 2.6 μm2.