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en:the_winner_of_45-th_week_2011 [2011/11/23 09:33]
Анастасия Большакова
en:the_winner_of_45-th_week_2011 [2012/02/08 08:39] (current)
Анастасия Большакова
Line 1: Line 1:
-Violetta Shvets+===== Violetta Shvets =====
-the winner of 45 week of 2011 +the winner of 45th week of 2011 
 07.11.11-13.11.11  07.11.11-13.11.11 
Line 7: Line 7:
 {{:7.jpg?200|}} {{:7.jpg?200|}}
-Surface of purified dermis dried in air. Friction.+**Surface of purified dermis dried in air. Friction. 
-the image was recorded using FemtoScan 001 SPM in the contact mode by means of the cantilever fpC 11. Scan size is 1.6 microns.+The image was recorded using FemtoScan 001 SPM in the contact mode by means of the cantilever fpC 11.  
 +Scan size is 1.6 μm.
en/the_winner_of_45-th_week_2011.1322026427.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/11/23 09:33 by Анастасия Большакова
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