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en:winner_35_week_2013 [2013/10/01 10:01]
Анастасия Большакова created
en:winner_35_week_2013 [2013/10/01 10:08] (current)
Анастасия Большакова
Line 1: Line 1:
-Circular DNA+===== Georgy Meshkov ===== 
 +the winner at the 35th week of 2013  
 +**Circular DNA** 
 Circular DNA (777 bp) Circular DNA (777 bp)
-The image was obtained using FemtoScan SPM and NSC15 cantilever in tapping mode.  +  
-Image size: 650х1150 nm.+//The image was obtained using FemtoScan SPM and NSC15 cantilever (MikroMash) with Al- coating in tapping mode. // 
 + The scan rate was 0.3 Hz.  
 +Image size: 650х1150 nm<sup>2</sup>. 
en/winner_35_week_2013.1380607313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/01 10:01 by Анастасия Большакова
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