If by some reason the horizontal image scale is incorrect, you can change it easily. Select menu command View/ Resolution. This command is accessible if the window user working with is a surface image, histogram or curve/cross-section. The window shown here fig. 3.3(a) will appear, if Resolution... command was applied to image without any distance measured on the surface before. You can put there new length units and new image dimensions.
Let's look a bit deeply on the field named Bit size. In the FemtoScan file format height data (Z axis) are stored as integer numbers, two bytes in size. Program uses coefficients to convert these integers in real values. If user opens file in different format, in which height data stored not in two bytes per value format, program converts these data to program's own format, which is two bytes per value. In the Bit Size field is a height, that corresponds to one bit from the whole two bytes of FemtoScan data format.
If the options Constrain proportions is selected, then the scale in Y direction will be changed accordingly. Otherwise it is possible to change the scale in Y-direction independently from X direction. If option "Apply to all images in the document" is selected, then the scale will be changed for all images in the file. Otherwise the changes will occur only to the current image.
Some fields in a window showed on picture 3.3(a) are not active and user cannot change them. They can become active, so user can change them in case when the distance on the surface have been measured before the Command Resolution... was called, or this function is applied to a curve, section or a histogram.
If the distance on the surface was measured before the Command Resolution was called (section 3.5.3), or this command was applied to section, histogram or curve, then a slightly different window will appear (fig. 3.3(b) - in this case this function was applied to a section).
In this window in field Height one can enter a hight of an object. In
case when this functin is applied to section or a curve difference
between marks on a dashed lines will act as such an object (see ),
and in case this function is applied to histogram a difference in heights between dashed lines
In a field Distance one can enter the distance between dashed lines on
a cross-section or a curve, or measured distance on a surface, and
in the fields Dx and Dy - its X and Y projections of this distance.
Note: If you want to change only horizontal (vertical) resolution, leave the Z (X-Y) checkbox unchecked. This will prevent program from changing vertical (horizontal) resolution as well.