Born in Moscow in 1980
1994 - 1997 - Moscow Lyceum of Physical Power N1502 under Moscow Power Engineering Institute
1997 - 2003 - Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. (since 1999 - assigned on the Chair of Biophysics). Master of science in biophysics, 2003 (diploma with excellence).
2005 PhD in Physics and Mathematics
2005-present - Research Associate, Chair of Physics of Polymers and Crystals, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University
Scope of scientific interests: Scanning probe microscopy of nucleic acids, proteins and nucleoproteins. Self-organization of biopolymers on the surface
Foreign languages: English, German
Hobby: Tourism, chess, classical guitar

Awards, scholarships, personal grants:

International Soros student - 2001
Moscow government grant - 2001
Scholarship of the President of Russian Federation - 2004-2005
Moscow grant - 2005 for PhD students in the field of science and technologies
LG Chem Scholarship - 2006
Gold medal on the Moscow International Conference “Biotechnology and medicine”, March 2006
INTAS N06-014-0623 “Nanoscopy of DNA as a tool for biomedicine technologies”, 2007-2008
Academia Europaea Prize - 2009
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University scholarship, 2010
Grant of the President of Russian Federation, 2010-2011 (MK-5121.2010.2)

The list of publications

  1. E.V. Dubrovin, O.N. Koroleva, Yu.A. Khodak, N.V. Kuzmina, I.V. Yaminsky, V.L. Drutsa. AFM study of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase σ70 subunit aggregation. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2011, принята к публикации. DOI
  2. M.V. Arkhipenko, E.K. Petrova, N.A. Nikitin, A.D. Protopopova, E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminskii, N.P. Rodionova, O. V. Karpova, J. G. Atabekov. Characteristics of Artificial Virus-like Particles Assembled in vitro from Potato Virus X Coat Protein and Foreign Viral RNAs. Acta Naturae, 2011 3, 40-46.. Full text (pdf)
  3. I.V. Yaminskii, P.V. Gorelkin, E.V. Dubrovin. Nanoanalytics for medicine. Biophysics, 2011, 56, in press.
  4. Yu.M. Efremov, D.V. Bagrov, E.V. Dubrovin, K.V. Shaitan, I.V. Yaminsky. Atomic Force Microscopy of Animal Cells: Advances and Prospects. Biophysics, 2011, 56, 257-267. DOI
  5. E.V. Dubrovin, J.W. Gerritsen, J.Zivkovic, I.V. Yaminsky, S.Speller. The effect of underlying octadecylamine monolayer on the DNA conformation on the graphite surface. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2010, 76, 63-69. DOI
  6. E.V. Dubrovin, T.N. Murugova, K.A. Motovilov, L.S. Yaguzhinsky, I.V. Yaminsky. Application of atomic force microscopy technology to a structural analysis of the mitochondrial inner membrane. Nanotechnologies in Russia, 2009, 4, 876-880. DOI
  7. E.V. Dubrovin, A.G. Voloshin, S.V. Kraevsky, T.E. Ignatyuk, S.S. Abramchuk, I.V. Yaminsky, and S.G. Ignatov. Atomic force microscopy investigation of phage infection of bacteria. Langmuir, 2008, 24, 13068-13074. DOI
  8. E.V. Dubrovin, S.N. Staritsyn, S.A. Yakovenko, I.V. Yaminsky. Self-assembly effect during the adsorption of polynucleotides on stearic acid Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer. Biomacromolecules, 2007, 8, 2258-2261. DOI
  9. E.V. Dubrovin, Yu.F. Drygin, V.K. Novikov, I.V. Yaminsky. Atomic force microscopy as a tool of inspection of viral infection. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 3(2007), 128-131. DOI
  10. E.V. Dubrovin, V.E. Maschenko, V.M. Puzikov, A.V. Semenov, I.V. Yaminsky. Cooperative growth of tetrahedral nanocarbon films. Doklady Physical Chemistry. 403, № 5, 2005, 150-153. DOI
  11. S.N. Staritsyn, S.A. Yakovenko, A.M. Lomonosov, E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky. Intermolecular recognition on polymerized nucleolipids contained Langmuir monolayers. Bulletin of Moscow University. Physics. Astronomy, № 4, 2005, 49-53. Full text in russian (pdf)
  12. E.V. Dubrovin, I.A. Kirik, M.M. Babykin, I.V. Yaminsky. Atomic force microscopy study of pili in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. In “From Cells to Proteins: Imaging Nature across Dimensions” ed. by Evangelista, V.; Barsanti, L.; Passarelli, V.; Gualtieri, P. Springer, NATO Security Through Science Series, Sub-Series B: Physics and Biophysics, 3, 2005, 405-414. DOI
  13. E.V. Dubrovin, M.N. Kirikova, V.K. Novikov, Yu.F. Drygin, and I. V. Yaminsky. Study of the Peculiarities of Adhesion of Tobacco Mosaic Virus by Atomic Force Microscopy. Colloid Journal, 66 (2004) №6, pp.673-678. DOI
  14. M.A. Skabkin, O.I. Kiselyova, K.G. Chernov, A.V. Sorokin, E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky, V.D. Vasiliev and L.P. Ovchinnikov. Structural organization of mRNA complexes with major core mRNP protein YB-1. Nucleic Acids Research, 32 (2004), pp. 5621–5635. Full text(pdf)
  15. S.N. Staritsyn, V.V. Mamashin, V.V. Zakharychev, I.V. Yaminsky, E.V. Dubrovin, A.M. Lomonosov, V.A. Tverdislov, and S.A. Yakovenko. Mixed Monolayers of Amphiphil-modified Nucleic Bases and Diynoic Acids. I. Phase States at Air-Water Interface and in Langmuir-Blodgett Films. Biophysics, 49 (2004) №4, pp. 586-595. Abstract
  16. D.V. Klinov, E.V. Dubrovin, and I.V. Yaminsky. Scanning Probe Microscopy of DNA on Mica and Graphite. AIP Conference Proceedings, 696 (2003), pp. 452-456. DOI
  17. D.V.Klinov, E.V.Dubrovin, I.V.Yaminsky. Substrate for Scanning Probe Microscopy of DNA: HOPG versus mica. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 3-4 (2003), pp. 119-124.
  18. A.V.Bolshakova, E.V.Dubrovin, A.S.Filonov, M.O.Gallyamov, D.Yu.Gavrilko, O.I.Kiselyova, A.M.Lomonosov, E.B.Meshkov, I.V.Yaminsky. Open Experimental Internet Practical Studies in Nanoscopy of Polymers and Biomacromolecules. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 3-4 (2003), pp. 113-118.
  19. E.V. Dubrovin, V.E.Mashenko, V.M. Puzikov, A.V. Semenov, R.K. Chuzhko, I.V. Yaminsky. Recombination Emission from Tetrahedral Nanocarbon Films. Doklady Physical Chemistry. 388 (2003) Nos. 4-6, February, pp.25-28. DOI
  20. M.O.Gallyamov, E.V.Dubrovin, and I.V.Yaminsky. Micromechanics of Nucleic Acids. Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 5-6 (2002), pp. 7-11.

Conference abstracts and proceedings (selected)

  1. E.V. Dubrovin, O.N. Koroleva, Yu.A. Khodak, N.V. Kuzmina, I.V. Yaminsky, V.L. Drutsa. Rod-like aggregation of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase sigma-70 subunit studied by AFM. Book of Abstracts. 17th International Biophysics Congress, Beijing, China, 30.10-03.11.2011, p. 499-500.
  2. E.V. Dubrovin, A.V. Popova, S.V. Kraevsky, T.E. Ignatyuk, S.G. Ignatov, I.V. Yaminsky, N.V. Volozhantsev. Use of atomic force microscopy for investigation of bacteriophage infection cycle. E-MRS 2011 Spring Meeting, Nice, France, May 9-13, 2011, P-13.
  3. E.V. Dubrovin, G.N. Fedyukina, A.G. Voloshin, S.V. Kraevsky, T.E. Ignatyuk, I.V. Yaminsky, S.G. Ignatov. Elaboration of New Sample Preparation Protocols for Particular Tasks of AFM Imaging of Microbial and Viral Surfaces. 17th International Microscopy Congress, 18-24.09.2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Abstracts book. P. L6.9.
  4. E.V. Dubrovin, G.N. Fedyukina, S.V. Kraevsky, T.E. Ignatyuk, I.V. Yaminsky, S.G. Ignatov. Development of affine surfaces for detection of bacterial fragments from solutions using AFM. ESF-EMBO Symposium Biological Surfaces and Interfaces, 27 June – 2 July 2009, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain. Book of abstracts, p. 62.
  5. E. Dubrovin, I. Yaminsky, J.W. Gerritsen, J. Zivkovic, S. Speller. Atomic force microscopy study of DNA condensed on nanostructured surfaces. International Symposium INNANO - advances in nanomedicine and nanobiotechnology, April 9-11, 2008, Innsbruck, Austria. Book of abstracts, p. 15.
  6. E. Dubrovin. I. Yaminsky. Biological nanotemplates studied by atomic force microscopy. 9th International PhD Symposium, October 2007, Heidelberg, Germany. Abstract book, p. 47.
  7. E.Dubrovin, J.W.Gerritsen, A.Lomonosov, S.Speller, I.Yaminsky. Chemical modifcation of graphite surface for ultra low current STM of DNA. European Biophysics Journal, 36, Suppl. 1 (2007), S173. (6th European Biophysics Congress, 14-18 July 2007, London).
  8. Dubrovin E, Ignatov S, Ignatyuk T, Kraevsky S, Voloshin A, Yaminsky I. Visualization of pathogen-host interaction using AFM. Biophysical Journal, Suppl. S, 2007, 514A-515A. (Biophysical Society 51st Annual Meeting, 3-7 March, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland).
  9. E.V. Dubrovin, A.S. Filonov, G.B. Meshkov, O.V. Sinitsyna, I.V. Yaminsky. Characterization of carbon nanotubes with atomic force microscopy. Summer school on nanotubes. July, 2006. Cargese, Corsica, France. Book of abstracts, p. 79.
  10. E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky. Nanoscopy of DNA as a tool for biomedicine technologies. Moscow International Conference “Biotechnology and medicine”. March, 14-17, 2006, Moscow, Russia. Conference proceedings, pp.24-25.
  11. E.V. Dubrovin, S.N. Staritsyn, S.N. Yakovenko, I.V. Yaminsky. Self-organized structures of polyA molecules on the stearic acid LB monolayer. European Biophysics Journal. V. 34 (2005), 669. (15th IUPAB, 5th EBSA International Biophysics Congress, 27 August - 1 September 2005, Montpellier, France).
  12. S.N. Staritsyn, E.V. Dubrovin “Self-Organized Structures of Polynucleotides on the Stearic Acid Monolayers”, Week of Doctoral Students - 2005 (WDS-2005), Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, 6-10 June 2005.
  13. E.V. Dubrovin, M.N. Kirikova, V.K. Novikov, Yu.F. Drygin, I.V. Yaminsky. Atomic force microscopy study of tobacco mosaic virus adhesion. Third International Symposium “Molecular Design and Synthesis of Supramolecular Architectures”. Abstracts. Kazan, Russia, 20-24 September, 2004. P. 73.
  14. M.N. Kirikova, E.V.Dubrovin, V.K. Novikov, I.V. Yaminsky, Yu.F. Drygin. Investigation of tobacco mosaic virus sorbtion on mica and graphite by the atomic force microscopy. Proceedings of Students International Conference “Lomonosov-2004”. Section of Chemistry. Volume 1. Moscow State University. April 12-15 2004. Moscow, Russia. P.95.
  15. D.V.Klinov, E.V.Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky. Probe microscopy imaging of DNA on graphite. 12th International Conference on Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques. Book of Abstracts. Eindhoven University of Technology. July 21-25, 2003 Eindhoven, the Netherlands. P. We-Pos-02.
  16. A.V.Bolshakova, A.S.Filonov, M.O.Gallyamov, D.Yu.Gavrilko, E.V.Dubrovin, O.I.Kiselyova, A.M.Lomonosov, E.B.Meshkov, I.V. Yaminsky. Open Experimental Internet Practical Studies in Nanoscopy of Polymers. The Third International Conference on Scanning Probe Microscopy of Polymers. (SPMP 2003). Book of Abstracts. 15-18 July 2003. Rolduc Abbey, Conference Center, Kerkrade, the Netherlands. P. 82.
  17. A.V. Bolshakova, A.S. Filonov, M.O. Gallyamov, D.Yu. Gavrilko, E.V. Dubrovin, A.M. Lomonosov, E.B. Meshkov, I.V. Yaminsky. Open experimental internet practical studies in nanoscopy. Scanning Probe Microscopy-2003. Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, March 2003. P.57-61.
  18. D.V. Klinov, E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky. Probe microscopy of DNA on graphite. Scanning Probe Microscopy-2003. Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, March 2003. P.261-263.
  19. Dubrovin E.V., Yaminsky I.V. Micromechanics of nucleic acids. Students conference. Proceedings. Dubna, April 2002. P.25.
  20. A.S. Filonov, E.V. Dubrovin, D.Yu. Gavrilko, G.B. Meshkov, I.V. Yaminsky. FemtoScan Online - a combination of probe microscopy and Internet technologies. Scanning Probe Microscopy-2002. Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, March 2002. P.64-66.
  21. M.O. Gallyamov, E.V. Dubrovin, I.V. Yaminsky. Micromechanics of nucleic acids. Scanning Probe Microscopy-2002. Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, March 2002. P. 206-207.
  22. A.S. Filonov, E.V. Dubrovin, G.B. Meshkov, D.Yu. Gavrilko, I.V. Yaminsky. Open learning in nanoscopy. Scanning Probe Microscopy-2002. Proceedings. Nizhny Novgorod, March 2002. P.249-251.
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