To connect to a server select command Connect as
Master (button )
or Connect as Client (button
) in SPM menu.
It is possible to connect as Master if there is no other masters connected
to the microscope.
When you started a connection, a window showed on pic. 2.2 appears. In this window you should enter the address you connected to and enter some additional data. When the server is on the same computer as your client program it's enough to put a mark in `Use local machine' check box. Then you can fill the rest 3 fields. If the server is in a different place, you should put its address in an Address field. As an address can act a computer name in the Microsoft Windows Network local network (like COMP145), its URL (like, or IP address (like In the next field (after colon) you should enter a port which is used for connection (default port is 25000, but it can be changed by server operator).
Information entered in fields User, Sample and Comment will reflect in files you obtain during scanning. In the field Sample it is recommended to enter a name of the studied sample -- this name appear as a part of names of files that will be obtained. In the field User your name can be entered. This name with a string entered in the field Comments will be stored in a text header of files that you obtain. You can change entered name, sample name and text content of Comment field. A way to do it is described in 2.2.8 section.
Press OK button after you fill the fields of this window. This will start connection to the server. In case you specify wrong address connection will be unsuccessful and buttons Client and Master on the SPM instrument panel remains not drowned. If you try to connect as a Master to the server which already has somebody connected as a Master, you will be connected as a Client. In case you successfully connected as a Master both buttons will be drowned.
After you connect as a Client current scan parameters window will be shown (see pic. 2.3). This window is for observation only. In Master mode window with scan preferences will appear. This window allow to change the scan parameters (pic. 2.2.2). Since you successfully connected to the server you can start the scanning, but first you ought to set feedback gains and other important parameters.