All scan parameters can be configures in Parameters window
(pic. 2.2.2).
The program opens this window automatically when you connect as Master.
If the window is absent due to some reason, you can always call it by pressing
button on the instrument panel or by selecting SPM/
Parameters menu command.
All parameters that were set by user are checked and changed by the program
to be more accurate accordig to calibration constants that were obtained from
Thus if you didn't connect to the server the parameters values you see
can be in inequality with the real parameters.
When you connected to the server as Client values you see in Parameters window also can be in inequality with the real parameters. To get the real ones select SPM/Retrieve parameters menu command.
If you change the parameters by entering numbers from keyboard, to apply the values entered you need to press Enter or push the Apply button in the parameters window. If it happens that value entered by you is unallowable program will change it with the closest one. If you change the parameters by pressing buttons with arrows, parametres are checking and transfering to the server automatically.
Client part of ``FemtoScan'' software allows to control microscope operating in three different scanning modes - tunneling mode(STM), atomic-force mode (AFM) and resonance atomic-force (RAFM). To select the mode of microscope operation use SPM Mode field, which can be found in left upper part of the Parameters window.
In the left part of the Parameters window main feedback parameters, that are important during surface scanning and sample landing can be found:
Below the feedback parameters are indicator of current microscope mode of operation and stepper motor counter. This counter can be reset by pressing ''>0<`` button. In the middle of the parameters window is a slider that shows current position of Z-axis of piezomanipulator. It is the same as in Current Parameters window (see pic. 2.3).
The rest of parameters are grouped by tabs and can be seen in right part of the window.